Bully Dance (French: La danse des brutes) is a 2000 animated short film by Janet Perlman about bullying. In this 10-minute short film without words, a community is disrupted when a bully victimizes a smaller member of the group. The whole community becomes involved in dealing with the bully, who is himself a victim at home.[1]
In the film, characters move in rhythm to an all-percussive soundtrack for the film, which was inspired by the filmmaker's own experiences in dance classes. Character animation and backgrounds were drawn on paper in ink, then scanned into a computer. It was the first time Perlman had used computers to create an animated film.[2]
The film received thirteen awards, including the Award for Best Animated Short Film from the Children's Jury and the Grand Prix de Montréal - Category: Best Short Film at the Festival International du film pour enfants and First Prize in short film & video animation in recognition of outstanding achievement in children's media from the Chicago International Children's Film Festival.[1][3]
Bully Dance was produced by the National Film Board of Canada as part of its animated ShowPeace series on conflict resolution.[1]